海外直订Censorship of Eighteenth-Century Theatre 18世纪戏剧的审查制度,
海外直订Women and Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century 十八世纪的女性与莎士比亚,
海外直订The Closet: The Eighteenth-Century Architecture of Intimacy 衣橱:十八世纪的亲密建筑,
海外直订Eighteenth-Century Fiction and the Reinvention of Wonder 十八世纪小说与奇迹的再创造,
海外直订Eighteenth-Century Thing Theory in a Global Cont... 全球语境下的十八世纪物论,
海外直订The Theatre of the London Fairs in the Eighteenth Century 18世纪伦敦集市剧院,
海外直订Studies in Perception and Action XIII: Eighteenth International Conference on Pe 知觉与行动研究第十八次知觉,
[预订]The Varnishes of the Italian Violin-Makers of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, a 9781015646513,
海外直订Instrumental Music in Late Eighteenth-Century Na... 18世纪晚期那不勒斯的器乐,
预售 按需印刷 The Anglican tradition in eighteenth century verse,
海外直订Reading the Body in the Eighteenth-Century Novel 读十八世纪小说中的身体,
海外直订On Declaring Love: Eighteenth-Century Literature and Jane Austen 《宣布爱情:十八世纪文学与简·奥斯汀》,
海外直订Triumph of the Bankers: Money and Banking in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centu 《银行家的胜利:18和19世纪,
海外直订My Dark Room: Spaces of the Inner Self in Eighteenth-Century England 我的暗室:18世纪英国的内在自我空间,
[预订]Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century; 37 9781013346958,
[预订]Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century; 59 9781013793301,
海外直订New Narratives in Eighteenth-Century Chemistry: Contributions from the First Fra 18世纪化学的新叙述:第一届,
海外直订A Guide to Eighteenth-Century Art 《十八世纪艺术指南,
海外直订Eighteenth-Century Engravings and Visual History... 英国十八世纪版画和视觉历史,
海外直订The Eighteenth Century: The Context of English Literature 十八世纪:英国文学的背景,
[预订]The Philadelphia Theatre in the Eighteenth Century 9781512813470,
海外直订Keyboard Instruments in Eighteenth-Century Vienna 18世纪维也纳的键盘乐器,
海外直订Theory and Practice in the Eighteenth Century 18世纪的理论与实践,
海外直订The Irish Classical Self: Poets and Poor Scholars in the Eighteenth and Nineteen 爱尔兰古典自我:18和19世纪,
海外直订Fictions of Friendship in the Eighteenth-Century Novel 十八世纪小说中的友谊小说,
海外直订Representations of Book Culture in Eighteenth-Century English Imaginative Writin 18世纪英语想象写作中的书籍,
海外直订Foreigners in Ancient Egypt: Theban Tomb Paintings from the Early Eighteenth Dyn 古埃及的外国人:第十八王朝,
海外直订Women and Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century 十八世纪的女性与莎士比亚,
海外直订Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetics 18世纪英国美学,
[预订]Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century; 37 9781013393136,