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ITIL4教程题库ITSM Foundation IT2022运维服务管理网络视频课程,
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IT运维服务管理 王薇薇 李崇辉 刘明 PDCA ITSM ITIL ISO9000 ISO20000 大数据 运维服务 9787111667278 机械工业出版社全新正版,
IT运维服务管理 王薇薇 李崇辉 刘明 PDCA ITSM ITIL ISO9000 ISO20000 大数据 运维服务 标准规范 支撑工具 方法步骤,
【预售】The Itsm Iron Triangle,
【预售】Ten Steps to Itsm Success,
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【预售】Itsm: An Interactive Time Series Modelling Packag,
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预售 按需印刷 Itsm Implementation Methodology Based on Itil V3,
预售 按需印刷 Ten Steps to ITSM Success,
【预售 按需印刷】Itsm Iron Triangle,
海外直订Delivering Itsm for Business Maturity: A Practical Framework 为业务成熟度交付Itsm:一个实用框架,
海外直订Servicing ITSM: A Handbook of Service Descriptions for It Service Managers and a 维护ITSM:IT服,
【4周达】Itsm: An Interactive Time Series Modelling Package for the PC [9780387974828],
预订 Itsm Implementation Methodology Based on Itil V3 [9783659202339],
预订 Ten Steps to ITSM Success: A Practitioner's Guide to Enterprise IT Transformation [9781849284561],
【4周达】Itsm: An Interactive Time Series Modelling Package for the PC [9783662389324],
【4周达】Delivering Itsm for Business Maturity: A Practical Framework [9781789732542],
预订 Release and Deployment: An ITSM narrative account [9781849287777],