海外直订Geometry, Topology, and Dynamics in Negative Curvature 负曲率中的几何、拓扑和动力学,
海外直订Geometric Topology: Recent Developments: Lectures Given on the 1st Session of th 几何拓扑:最近的发展:在国际,
海外直订Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Topology and Representation Theory 构型空间:几何、拓扑与表示理论,
海外直订Invitations to Geometry and Topology 几何和拓扑邀请,
海外直订Beginner's Course in Topology: Geometric Chapters 拓扑学初级课程:几何章节,
海外直订Algebraic Geometry and Topology: A Symposium in Honor of Solomon Lefschetz 代数几何与拓扑学:纪念所罗门·莱,
海外直订Geometric and Topological Inference 几何拓扑推理,
海外直订Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities I 奇点几何与拓扑手册I,
海外直订Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry, and Topology: On the Occasion of the 60th Bi 分析、几何和拓扑的视角:在,
海外直订Topology and Geometry in Physics 物理学中的拓扑与几何,
海外直订Topology and Geometry - Rohlin Seminar 拓扑学与几何学-罗林研讨会,
海外直订Topology and Geometry for Physics 物理学中的拓扑学和几何学,
海外直订Applications of Contact Geometry and Topology in Physics 接触几何和拓扑在物理学中的应用,
海外直订Foliations: Dynamics, Geometry and Topology 叶理:动力学、几何和拓扑,
海外直订Topology and Geometric Group Theory: Ohio State University, Columbus, Usa, 2010- 拓扑和几何群论:俄亥俄州立,
海外直订From Geometry to Topology 从几何到拓扑,
海外直订Global Riemannian Geometry: Curvature and Topology 全局黎曼几何:曲率与拓扑,
海外直订Topological, Differential and Conformal Geometry of Surfaces 曲面的拓扑、微分和保形几何,
海外直订Topological Crystallography: With a View Towards Discrete Geometric Analysis 拓扑结晶学:以离散几何分析为视,
海外直订Singularities and Their Interaction with Geometry and Low Dimensional Topology: 奇点及其与几何和低维拓扑的,
海外直订From Differential Geometry to Non-commutative Ge... 从微分几何到非交换几何和拓扑学,
海外直订Mathematical Principles of Topological and Geometric Data Analysis 拓扑和几何数据分析的数学原理,
海外直订A Computational Non-Commutative Geometry Program for Disordered Topological Insu 无序拓扑绝缘体的非交换几何,
海外直订Geometry and Topology 几何和拓扑,
现货 元分析概论 第2版 Introduction To Meta-Analysis 2E 英文原版 Michael Borenstein 几何与拓扑学【中商原版】,
海外直订Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Int... 算子理论,算子代数及其与几何和拓扑的相互作用,
海外直订Geometry of Topological Stability 拓扑稳定性几何,
海外直订Integrable Hamiltonian Systems: Geometry, Topology, Classification 可积哈密顿系统:几何,拓扑学,分类,
海外直订Singularities In Geometry And Topology 2004 《几何与拓扑学中的奇点》,2004,
海外直订A Ludic Journey Into Geometric Topology 几何拓扑的欢乐之旅,