
海外直订Turbulent Flow 湍流

海外直订Turbulent Flow 湍流,

海外直订Collective Dynamics of Particles: From Viscous to Turbulent Flows 颗粒的集体动力学:从粘性到湍流

海外直订Collective Dynamics of Particles: From Viscous to Turbulent Flows 颗粒的集体动力学:从粘性到湍流,

海外直订Data Analysis for Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion: From Equ 湍流燃烧直接数值模拟的数据分析

海外直订Data Analysis for Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion: From Equ 湍流燃烧直接数值模拟的数据分析,

海外直订Radiative Heat Transfer in Turbulent Combustion Systems: Theory and Applications 湍流燃烧系统中的辐射换热:

海外直订Radiative Heat Transfer in Turbulent Combustion Systems: Theory and Applications 湍流燃烧系统中的辐射换热:,

海外直订Effects of Pressure Gradients on Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow Over a Flat Plate 压力梯度对带沟槽平板湍流边界层

海外直订Effects of Pressure Gradients on Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow Over a Flat Plate 压力梯度对带沟槽平板湍流边界层,

海外直订Computational Fluid Dynamics: Incompressible Turbulent Flows 计算流体动力学:不可压缩湍流

海外直订Computational Fluid Dynamics: Incompressible Turbulent Flows 计算流体动力学:不可压缩湍流,

海外直订Computational Turbulent Incompressible Flow: Applied Mathematics: Body and Soul  计算湍流不可压缩流:应用数

海外直订Computational Turbulent Incompressible Flow: Applied Mathematics: Body and Soul 计算湍流不可压缩流:应用数,

海外直订Iutam Symposium on Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow: Proceedings of the 2002年9月11日至13日在

海外直订Iutam Symposium on Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow: Proceedings of the 2002年9月11日至13日在,

海外直订Leadership Mentoring: Maintaining School Improvement in Turbulent Times 领导指导:在动荡时期保持学校的进步

海外直订Leadership Mentoring: Maintaining School Improvement in Turbulent Times 领导指导:在动荡时期保持学校的进步,

海外直订Information and Communication Technologies Management in Turbulent Business Envi 动荡商业环境中的信息和通信

海外直订Information and Communication Technologies Management in Turbulent Business Envi 动荡商业环境中的信息和通信,

海外直订Turbulent Flow 湍流

海外直订Turbulent Flow 湍流,

海外直订Turbulent Flow Computation 湍流计算

海外直订Turbulent Flow Computation 湍流计算,

海外直订Autoignition in Turbulent Flows 湍流中的自燃

海外直订Autoignition in Turbulent Flows 湍流中的自燃,

海外直订Modeling of Gas-To-Particle Mass Transfer in Turbulent Flows 湍流中气固传质模型的建立

海外直订Modeling of Gas-To-Particle Mass Transfer in Turbulent Flows 湍流中气固传质模型的建立,

海外直订Constantin Carathéodory: Mathematics and Politics in Turbulent Times 《动荡的数学与政治:康斯坦丁·奥多里》

海外直订Constantin Carathéodory: Mathematics and Politics in Turbulent Times 《动荡的数学与政治:康斯坦丁·奥多里》,

海外直订Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Iutam Symposium, Sedona/AZ September 13 - 17, 1999 层流-湍流过渡:Iutam研讨

海外直订Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Iutam Symposium, Sedona/AZ September 13 - 17, 1999 层流-湍流过渡:Iutam研讨,

海外直订Turbulent Flows: Models and Physics 湍流流动:模型和物理

海外直订Turbulent Flows: Models and Physics 湍流流动:模型和物理,

海外直订Iutam Symposium on Asymptotic Methods for Turbulent Shear Flows at High Reynolds 高雷诺数湍流剪切流的渐近方法I

海外直订Iutam Symposium on Asymptotic Methods for Turbulent Shear Flows at High Reynolds 高雷诺数湍流剪切流的渐近方法I,

海外直订Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion of Diluted Sprays: 稀释喷雾湍流燃烧实验与数值

海外直订Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion of Diluted Sprays: 稀释喷雾湍流燃烧实验与数值,

海外直订Time-Symmetry Breaking in Turbulent Multi-Particle Dispersion 湍流多粒子弥散中的时间对称破缺

海外直订Time-Symmetry Breaking in Turbulent Multi-Particle Dispersion 湍流多粒子弥散中的时间对称破缺,

海外直订Mathematics of Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows 湍流大涡模拟数学

海外直订Mathematics of Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows 湍流大涡模拟数学,

海外直订Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion: Pro 稀释喷雾湍流燃烧的实验与数

海外直订Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion: Pro 稀释喷雾湍流燃烧的实验与数,

海外直订Global Risk: Business Success in Turbulent Times 全球风险:动荡时代的商业成功

海外直订Global Risk: Business Success in Turbulent Times 全球风险:动荡时代的商业成功,

海外直订Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion: Pro 稀释喷雾湍流燃烧的实验与数

海外直订Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion: Pro 稀释喷雾湍流燃烧的实验与数,

【预售 按需印刷】Turbulent Flow

【预售 按需印刷】Turbulent Flow,

海外直订Turbulent Combustion Modeling: Advances, New Trends and Perspectives 湍流燃烧模拟:进展、新趋势和展望

海外直订Turbulent Combustion Modeling: Advances, New Trends and Perspectives 湍流燃烧模拟:进展、新趋势和展望,

海外直订Turbulence: Introduction to Theory and Applications of Turbulent Flows 湍流:湍流理论与应用导论

海外直订Turbulence: Introduction to Theory and Applications of Turbulent Flows 湍流:湍流理论与应用导论,

海外直订The International Criminal Court in Turbulent Times 动荡时期的国际刑事法院

海外直订The International Criminal Court in Turbulent Times 动荡时期的国际刑事法院,

【预售 按需印刷】Turbulent Flow

【预售 按需印刷】Turbulent Flow,

海外直订Physics of Transitional Shear Flows: Instability and Laminar-Turbulent Transitio 过渡剪切流动物理:不可压缩

海外直订Physics of Transitional Shear Flows: Instability and Laminar-Turbulent Transitio 过渡剪切流动物理:不可压缩,
